Difference Between DBMS and RDBMS

Edited by Diffzy | Updated on: April 30, 2023


Difference Between DBMS and RDBMS

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Have you come across the term databases? If not, delve into it right away. In today's technological world, you must gain knowledge about tech-savvy stuff. Databases form a portion of this technical knowledge. Gone are the times when several data were stored on paper and written with a pen.

Now is the new era when people use the best technical stuff to do their work in no time! Databases are tools that help users store informational data in an organized format. If you know how to use databases, you will have no difficulty editing and accessing the stored data. One of the perks of databases is that it helps users to store loads of data. Now, there's an acceleration in the amount of information.

 There is too much information all around the globe. These need to be stored securely for later use as well. So, technology provides us with a boon. It is the database. There are two popular databases. These are DMBS and RDBMS. Both these software's have their unique features. None of these are to be underestimated. Both these software are of apt usage in their domains. If you are a technological geek or a learner, learning about these two types of software serves you right!

Firstly, knowing the full forms of these two terms is required. DBMS is known as Database Management System. On the other hand, RDBMS is an advanced form of software database which is known as a Relational Database Management System.

You might think that if RDBMS is the advanced option for a database system, why know about DBMS? Well, both have their perks and disadvantages. DBMS is meant for personal usage or a small user organization. RDBMS on the other hand is meant to store huge data, hence more users.

So, if you want to save up and are working on a personal project, DBMS will serve you better. This article will help you dive properly into the usage of both of these systems. Towards the end of this article, you shall not doubt what database is the perfect match for your requirement!

These are robust database systems that consist of advanced software programs. Using these can help users immensely. So, why wait? Let's get into the details of these valuables without much ado!


The main difference between DBMS and RDBMS is that DBMS act as software systems that create and maintain access to different databases. On the other hand, RDBMSs are advanced versions of DBMSs. DBMS are systems that assist users to store and update various data from databases. But in the case of RDBMS, it stores the data and manages the database in a form of a table.

 The access method of databases by RDBMS in tabular format is more efficient for retrieval and data storage! There are several other striking differences between the two systems. Another difference between DBMS and RDBMS is that the former arranges the files in a hierarchical or navigational format. The latter or RDBMS has a relational model. The files in this system are stored according to the format of columns and rows. There are other parameters of differences as well. The tabular format below discusses it all. So, stay connected!

Difference Between DBMS and RDBMS in Tabular Form

Parameters of Comparison DBMS RDBMS
Definition DBMS is a software system that helps to store, create, update, and manage data from databases. RDBMS is an advanced version of a software system. It is software that helps to store and create data in a tabular format.
System Of Storage The storage pattern in DBMS is in a navigational or hierarchical form. The system of storage in RDBMS is in a relational format. Headers are in the column space. Values are in the row area.
Type Of Data DBMS is a software system that is unable to store huge quantities of data. RDBMS on the other hand is an advanced version of a software system that is capable of storing a large variety of data.
Mode Of Organization The mode of organization or normalization is absent in the software system of DBMS. The system of DBMS does not support this feature. RDBMS is one step ahead in this feature as well. It has the facility for Normalization. RDBMS works on the model of a relational database. This assists the system of organization.
Fetching Of Data This is yet another feature that varies greatly between the two systems. Data fetching or collecting is pretty slow in DBMS. Data fetching is quicker when it comes to RDBMS. This feature is because of RDBMS's usage of the relational model.
Distribution Of Databases RDMS does not support the feature of database distribution. Database distribution is helpful as the user can store databases in different locations. This way, the database storage remains well organized. But RDMS does not support this facility. RDBMS is an advanced software system that has got advanced options as well. So, the distribution of databases is supported by RDBMS.
Redundancy Of Data DBMS lacks some properties making it hard to work with most of the time. One such difficulty lies in the repetition or redundancy of data. At times, data repeats while using DBMS. RDBMS has several advanced and improved functions. One such property is to prevent or eliminate all sorts of data redundancy. This feature takes it one step ahead of the software system of DBMS.
Security Of Data Another parameter of difference between the two software systems is data security. Data is not well secured in the case of DBMS. So, there's a high probability that the data you store here may be stolen. No developed feature supports the security of data in the case of DBMS. RDBMS is a one-stop software system where you find several upgraded features. Data security is one of these advanced options.
Integration Of Data DBMS fails to support the integration of data. Data integration is a function that manages the consistency in your databases. RDBMS accurately supports the system of data integration. It helps the software system manage and access files and data in the best way possible. The functioning becomes smoother.
Access Of Data In The Systems In DBMS, the user can access a single file at a time from the needed database. Accessing databases is in the upgraded mode in the case of RDBMS. Here, one can get in touch with several data from the database in one go!
Relationships Among Data Stored In The Systems In DBMS, the user does not find any relationship between the stored data. In RDBMS, the user finds a well-organized relationship between the data stored. These data are stored in tabular form. So, the organization of relationships among them becomes easy.

What is DBMS?

In this era of technology, databases come to the rescue. DBMS is one such database that you must be aware of. This is a software system that helps in the management of data. The main motive of the system is to manage, store, manipulate and secure large quantities of data. The users may store, update, back up, and secure huge portions of stored data with such a technology.

This is the modern system of storing up files which are of vital importance. Imagine writing down data for a particular event each day. This would not only become monotonous but will also be filled with large quantities of error. To prevent such undesired chances, DBMS comes to the rescue. Some examples of DBMS are mandatory to mention. These are XML systems, window registries, File systems, and others. Some of the perks of using DBMS are mentioned below.

Perks of Using DBMS

  • Using the software system of DBMS helps users to attain uniformity of data
  • The software system of DBMS is versatile and easy to understand
  • This is a modern way of storing and updating various data. This manages data in a faster way. You do not need to grapple with storing information on paper when you have the facility of DBMS
  • The users can manage huge quantities of data effectively

What is RDBMS?

RDBMS is yet another software system. But this is much more effective and smooth than DBMS. Why? This is because the system maintains and stores data using a variety of effective techniques. One such method of storing information is in tabular format. Another method of maintaining data effectively is by using the process of relational schema. Here, the data is arranged neatly with the help of rows and columns.

 The software system acts as a refined way of storing and managing data files. It is an improvisation over DBMS. The system plays the same functions that the software of DBMS plays. But these functions are much more effective and modern in the system of RDBMS. Some of the perks while working with RDBMS is noteworthy.

Perks of Using RDBMS

  • Storing huge quantities of data without any difficulty. This storage becomes much more efficient due to the safety measures supported by the system
  • Maintenance of data integration and minimization of data repetition
  • Available for a better variety of tools for organizing the data available

Difference Between DBMS and RDBMS in Points

  • After going through the table of differences, you might wonder what is the need for DBMS when RDBMS is so apt in itself. Well, there's great significance of both this software. DBMS comes with a small package of features. So, it is used for small organizations. On the other hand, the software of RDBMS is used for large organizations that require more data storing capacity. So, if you are suffering from the dilemma of which software you should choose, this point shall clear it. Go for DBMS if you are managing a small project or handling a personal organization.
  • The relationship of files in DBMS is maintained programmatically. On the other hand, the relationship between the files and data in RDBMS is maintained at the time of the creation of a table or file. The basis for identifying the relationship between the two types of software's differences.
  • Another point of difference between the two software systems is the distribution of the database. DBMS does not respond to distributed databases. But do not worry! Here, RDBMS comes to your rescue. RDBMS verily supports the distribution of databases.
  • Many people doubt why the data fetching is slow in DBMS. We came to know about the relational model but what is its application? The relational model applies only to RDBS. This helps the software to work faster. The absence of this in DBMS makes its working process much slower.
  • Accessing databases and files is very simple in DBMS. On the other hand, data access becomes difficult to manage when it comes to RDBMS. Now, this is bound to happen. Why? DBMS has lesser features. Hence, it's easier to manage. RDBMS has more features because of multiple user interests. So, more complications. As a data master, you should always prefer RDBMS notwithstanding its complexity. Its perks never go unnoticed.


BDMS and RDBMS are two different varieties of software. These two have got its perks and disadvantages. But it is always advisable to prefer RDBMS over BDMS. RDBMS is an updated version of BDMS with several new features. This helps in accessing, storing, and organizing the data and files more effectively. You may experiment with both types of this software system and see for yourself which one suit the best to your needs.

RDBMS offers a user many features which are not present in DBMS. RDBMS has numerous advanced features like better security protection of data and files, smoother data integration, and well-managed relationships between files and data among others.

 If you are a user who is not seeming to work with software in the long run and extend your community for the purpose, go for DBMS. DBMS is cheaper than RDBMS but offers minimal features for data storage. But if you have a community of users and need large file storage needs, go for RDBMS. Both serve well for the required purposes.

 So, why wait? Get the implementation started!


  • https://www.interviewbit.com/blog/difference-between-dbms-and-rdbms/?amp=1
  • https://www.javatpoint.com/difference-between-dbms-and-rdbms

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"Difference Between DBMS and RDBMS." Diffzy.com, 2024. Thu. 27 Jun. 2024. <https://www.diffzy.com/article/difference-between-dbms-and-rdbms-1089>.

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