Difference Between Roman Catholic and Catholic

Edited by Diffzy | Updated on: October 15, 2023


Difference Between Roman Catholic and Catholic

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Though there are certain differences, Catholic and Roman Catholic beliefs are not drastically different. Roman Catholicism is one of the world's oldest religions and by far the largest Christian denomination. Catholics pray to Mary and the saints. They, too, admire angels. If you consider Catholic and Roman Catholic to be two varieties of the Catholic Church, which is in communion with the Pope, there is one distinction between the two names. Nevertheless, if you define Catholic to encompass all Catholic views (including Catholic churches that are not in communion with the Pope), the distinction between Catholic and Roman Catholic is not the same as the distinction between Catholic and Roman Catholic.


Three billion Catholics were baptized in 2019, the Catholic Church, additionally called the Roman Catholic Church, is the largest Christian signal. It is one of the largest and oldest transnational organizations in the world, and it has had a significant impact on the growth and development of Western civilization. The church is made up of 24 efficiently and efficaciously run churches, along with the Latin Church and 23 Eastern Catholic Churches. Together, they make up nearly 3,500 dioceses and eparchies throughout the globe. The head pastor of the church is the pope, who's the bishop of Rome.

The Nicene Creed contains the essential doctrines of Catholicism. According to the Catholic Church, it is the one holy, catholic, and apostolic church established by Jesus Christ in his Great Commission. That its bishops are Christ's apostles' successors, as well as that the pope is the successor to Saint Peter, upon whom Jesus Christ bestowed primacy, It says that it practises the ancient Christian religion taught by the apostles, infallibly preserving the faith via scripture and tradition. sacred tradition as authentically interpreted through the magisterium of the church. The Roman Ritual and other Latin Church liturgies, Eastern Catholic liturgies, and organisations such as celibate monk orders, enclosed monastic orders, and third orders reflect the church's various doctrinal and spiritual emphases.

Roman Catholic vs Catholic

The key distinction between Roman Catholics and Catholics is that Roman Catholics are the majority Christian denomination, whilst Catholics are a minor subset of the Christian community known as "Greek Orthodox. It is thought that when Christianity first began, there was only one church. There were no differences of opinion or faith, and Christianity spread as a unified religion. Subsequently, it was agreed that a location for a church representing all Christians was required. It would serve as the centre for all Christian teachings. Regrettably, a disagreement ensued, and

The groups separated. Some agreed that the church should be built in Rome, while others thought it should be built in Constantinople. Those that followed and joined the group in Rome became known as Roman Catholics, while the others became known as Orthodox Catholics. Roman Catholics trace their ancestry back to Saint Peter. He was one of Christ's disciples and one of the twelve apostles. There is disagreement concerning St. Peter's significance and participation in the birth of Christianity. Roman Catholics regard the Pope as their spiritual leader; Roman Christians refer to him as the Vicar of Christ. Catholics do not accept papal authority.

Some of the books listed in the Roman Catholic Bible are not recognised by Catholics or Greek Orthodox. Catholics believe that Christ's teachings have not altered. They believe that the Holy Word has not altered. They reject any additions to the original Scriptures. Canons are not considered laws by Catholics. Canons are the rules that govern how a church is administered. Roman Catholics accept them as law and delegate authority to the bishop to enforce them. Roman Catholics believe in the Virgin Mary's Immaculate Conception. This theory is not supported by Catholics.

They believe she was mortal and was prepared to bear Christ. Purgatory is a belief held by Roman Catholics; souls destined for Heaven require purification. The rest of the people go over to hell. The Catholic Church believes the souls travel to the residence of the dead, Hades, to stand in line for Gospel to rise again. That once the body rises, all of the souls will join forces with him.

Difference Between Roman Catholic and Catholic in Tabular Form

Parameters of Comparison

Roman Catholic



The name of the church is drawn from its origins in Rome as well as a Greek term that means "universal." The term Catholic refers to the entirety of the church, and the Roman church claimed to be the sole legitimate Christian denomination for many years.

Catholic is derived from the Greek adjective katholikos, which means "universal," and the adverbial phrase kath' holou, which means "on the whole."

Population Major population Small group
Authoritative Figure The bishop of Rome, Pope Differs from church to church
Headquarters Vatican city There is no such thing as head quarters
Language of Worship Latin Their own local language
Use of icons for worship No Yes

What is Roman Catholic?

The pope is in charge of the Roman Catholic Church. In actuality, it is a Catholic Church-affiliated church tradition. The fact that the Pope is in communion with each of these churches is what unites them. The administration of rites is where Catholicism and Roman Catholicism diverge most. The Byzantine rites are used by Orthodox Catholics, while the Latin rites are used by Roman Catholics.

The term "Roman Catholic" is occasionally used to separate it from all other sorts of churches. In reality, both the Apostolic Church as well as the Holy Roman Catholic Church reference Rome. It is also used to differentiate between Catholics of the Eastern Catholic Churches and those in the Latin Church who follow the Roman Rite. It is not used as the preferred official name for their faith or organisation by the Holy See or bishops in perfect agreement with the Pope.

The undefined"Roman Catholic Church" refer to the entire Church that describes itself as undefined In contact with other denominations and internally, the church frequently refers to itself as the "Roman Catholic Church. Even though it is less common.

Although less often. Some authors, including Kenneth Whitehead and Patrick Madrid, contend that "the Catholic Church" is the only acceptable name for the institution. Whitehead, for instance, claims undefined"; it is a relatively modern term that, in addition, is primarily used in the English language. At the First Vatican Council in 1870, the English-speaking bishops ran a vigorous and effective campaign to ensure that the term "Roman Catholic" was never used in any of the Council's official documents about the Church itself.

The Holy See, sometimes known as Rome, is the church's central governing authority. The Holy See's administrative body, the Roman Curia, is headquartered in Vatican City, a small area of the Italian city of Rome over which the Pope presides.

Traditions and Scripture 

The Roman Catholic Church acknowledges that both tradition and the Bible are the inspired words of God. Tradition, therefore, cedes some of its dignity and authority to the Scriptures. But the Roman Catholic Church argued that the church predated the New Testament in opposition to the Protestant slogan Sola Scriptura ("Scripture alone"), which is also open to misunderstanding. The New Testament changed into written and accredited because of the stimulated phrase of God via way of means of the church. At least in this belief, tradition serves as the sole source of information.

This idea also justified the Catholic Church's affirmation of the body of knowledge passed down to the Church through the College of bishops and preserved via oral tradition (which means that it turned into now no longer written withinside the Scriptures). As a result, the Roman church upheld its proper to determine what it believed by thinking about each its very own ideals and the Scriptures. The Catholic church accepts both the written and oral traditions as part of its deposit of faith, according to the Council of Trent, and holds them in equal regard. Most Catholic theologians after the council understood the statement to mean two sources, even though the council studiously avoided stating that they meant these "two" As assets of the deposit.

Who are Catholics?

Catholicism is not a self-contained world. The phrase Catholic is each a noun and an adjective. It is a qualification of Christianity as an adjective, just as Christianity is a qualification of religion, and religion is a qualification of humans. Hence, Catholicism refers to a community of people (the human dimension) who believe in God and live their lives accordingly (the religious dimension), who think that God is triune and that Jesus Christ is God's Son and the redeemer of humanity (the Christian dimension), Catholicism is not a self-contained world. Hence, Catholicism refers to a community of people (the human dimension) who believe in God and live their lives accordingly (the religious dimension), who think that God is triune and that Jesus Christ is God's Son and the redeemer of humanity (the Christian dimension), and who think that Catholicism is a diverse and rich reality. It is a religious tradition, a way of life, and a community all rolled into one. That is, it is made up of religion, theologies, and doctrines and is distinguished by specific liturgical, ethical, and spiritual orientations and behaviours; it is also a person, or group of persons, with a specific history.

The word Catholic comes from the Greek adjective katholikos, which means "universal," and the adverbial phrase Kathy hollow, which means "on the whole. St. Ignatius of Antioch coined the phrase in his Letter to the Smyrnaeans: "Where the bishop is to be seen, let all his people be; just as wherever Jesus Christ is present, we have the catholic church.

 Since the Reformation, the term has been used to oppose Protestantism, but its true opposite is sectarianism, which refers to a branch of the Church that has isolated itself from the global church and, to some extent, from the rest of the world. The Catholic Church should exist throughout the world.

Catholicism is not a self-contained world. The term Catholic is both a noun and an adjective. It is a qualification of Christianity as an adjective, just as Christianity is a specification of religions, and religions is a qualification of humans. think that God is triune and also that Jesus Christ is God's Son and the redeemer of humanity (the Christian dimension),

Catholicism answers the meaning question in terms of God's reality. In summary, Catholicism is a religious viewpoint, not only an intellectual or anthropological one. Catholicism provides knowledge of God, which serves as the foundation and framework for its understanding of creation, redemption, incarnation, grace, the Church, moral responsibility, everlasting life, and the other great mysteries and truths of the Christian faith.

Traditions and Customs

Catholicism is a tradition that values tradition greatly. It acknowledges that the Bible is a product of tradition (or, more precisely, of many traditions). Before the invention of written writings, faith was transmitted through proclamation, catechesis, worship, and human example. According to Catholicism, God speaks through such means, not only through words but also through deeds. This divine revelation is carried by history in general and the history of the Church in particular. As a result, Catholicism reads not only its Sacred Book but also its own business culture and experience. History.

Three principles define Catholicism: sacramentality, mediation, and communion. The unique arrangement of these three elements inside Catholicism is what distinguishes it. It is a tradition that sees God in all things (sacramentality) and uses the human, material, and finite (mediation) to bring about human oneness (communion). 6. Other distinguishing characteristics of Catholicism include its stress on tradition, regard for reason, analogical imagination, and universality, which includes a both-and rather than an either-or approach to Christian faith and practice.

Difference Between Roman Catholic and Catholic in Points

  • Catholics are a smaller group than Roman Catholics, who make up the majority of Christians.
  • Roman Catholics and Catholics disagree on the significance of St. Peter in their history.
  • Neither Roman Catholics nor non-Catholics believe in the authority of the pope.
  • Catholics believe in the original, unaltered Holy Scriptures, and Roman Catholics have contributed numerous books to the Bible.
  •  Bishops have the authority to apply the canons to Roman Catholics; Catholics do not regard the canons as laws and do not give anyone the right to apply them.
  • Catholics do not trust in the notion of the Immaculate Conception and consider Mother Mary to be mortal.
  • Catholics do not believe in purgatory after death, whereas Roman Catholics do.


Overall, The main difference between Roman Catholics and Catholics is that Roman Catholics make up the majority of the Christian community, while Catholics only make up a small portion of the "Greek Orthodox" Christian community. There was only one church when Christianity first emerged, but after a dispute, the groups split. Roman Catholics can trace their lineage back to Saint Peter, one of the 12 disciples and one of Christ's disciples. Although they do not recognize papal authority, Roman Catholics look to the Pope as their spiritual leader.

Catholics reject any additions to the original Scriptures because they hold that Christ's teachings have not changed. Catholics do not view canons as laws; rather, they are the guidelines that define how well a church is run. Catholics reject the idea of the Virgin Mary's Immaculate Conception, despite Roman Catholics' belief in it. According to Roman Catholic doctrine, those destined for heaven must undergo purification while the rest of humanity is sent to hell.


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"Difference Between Roman Catholic and Catholic." Diffzy.com, 2025. Mon. 03 Mar. 2025. <https://www.diffzy.com/article/difference-between-roman-catholic-and-catholic-1329>.

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